Global Organic Textile Certificate
The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is a standard that has been created with an independent certificate for all textile chains around the world, "by evaluating the compatibility with ecological structure, compatibility with social criteria, organic fibers used in textiles and compatibility with the processing conditions of these fibers".
The purpose of this standard; It is a structure that aims to show whether the product is made with an organic raw material, the production conditions, the place where it is produced and that it is a reliable production process, including the labeling stage.
If textile manufacturers comply with these GOTS standards, they can export fabrics and clothes with their products that have proven organic in all important markets around the world with the certificate they receive.
Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS)
The Global Organic Textile Standard is a special standard created for the first time in 2005 by the International Working Group with its general name.
This organization is dependent on the state and is not legally required by state policies. There is an existing organic textile standard. However, the changes in the conditions of the economic market with each passing day and the changes in the dimension of competition have revealed such an application.
The existence of this standard, which protects the rights of the raw material, the place of work and even the people employed, and the organizations that have obtained organic textile certificate by fulfilling these criteria; While there are so many commercial establishments in the open market, it will take its place as a more reliable institution in the eyes of the consumer.
Processes of Obtaining GOTS
The rights of all employees should be protected and child labor should not be employed. Safe and hygienic environments should be provided with free choice of job, and the organization should stay away from inhuman harsh attitudes and comply with the International Labor Organization (ILO) conventions.
Industries should have written and documented environmental policies.
GOTS creates a guideline to remove the environmental problems of Organic textile factories.
Every organic producer needs a book or a management plan describing the production of specially prepared organic textile products.
All products (including sacks, packaging, boxes) must have labels.
owned by the business; Certificates, waybills, transaction records, warehouse books, invoices should be kept and the organic structure of the products should be mentioned in all of them.
The organic processor needs an accounting system that will determine any economic amounts it will realize in the selling and purchasing processes.
After all these conditions are met, the company receives an initial information package about GOTS and fills in the application form.
In order to obtain a certificate, an independent private institution offers a certain amount and then the document is signed for certification.
In case of deficiencies, the institution that will issue the certificate asks the company to make corrections. If the conditions are met, the company is registered in the online database of GOTS.
If corrections are not made within the given time, a "certification rejection" document is issued.
What is GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) Certificate?
We gave information about GOTS above. Well, when it is asked how we can understand that we have achieved this standard, the certificate program of this structure and this organization should come to mind.
The Global Organic Textile Standard International Working Group, which works in this field, consists of the membership of 4 world-renowned countries. These countries; OTA (USA), IVN (Germany), Soil Association (UK) and JOCA (Japan).
The Global Organic Textile Standard is an important processing standard for textiles made from organic fibers. GOTS is a formation developed by internationally competent companies in order to ensure the trust of the consumer, by considering the environmental factors, from the harvest of the raw material to the production and labeling. The audit and certification of organizations engaged in trade in this field are carried out by independent organizations depending on the GOTS system.
With this certificate, the textile product is secured. Commercial organizations that are eligible to receive this certificate must also have a license that is included in the GOTS program and shows that they comply with those standards and that allows the use of the GOTS logo on the products.
In this sense, thanks to the online GOTS Public Database at the point of service to the consumer, it is a tool used to see the organizations with the GOTS certificate, which has a reliability certificate in the market, their locations, production areas, products subject to the certificate.
Which Textile Products Does This Certificate Cover?
This standard also covers all textile products made of at least 70 percent certified natural fiber, processing and packaging of products, labeling, trade and distribution of the product that goes to the market.
This certificate is not limited to fiber products only; It may also include clothing, fabrics, silk, all kinds of textile accessories and toys, home textiles, bedding and personal care products.